Friday, May 18, 2012

Yoga Inspired Reformer Exercise: Warrior II

While I’m not typically a fan of “fusion” exercise methods, this Yoga inspired Reformer exercise is amazing!

Warrior II on the Reformer
(1) Out of Side Splits (to the left)- bring the carriage all the way in.  
(2) Keep your arms reaching to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms down 
(3) Carefully turn out the left foot 90 degrees so that your left toes are lined up with the shoulder block 
(4) Shift your gaze over your left fingertips
(5) Press the carriage out with straight legs, then lunge to the left, bending your left knee until it is over your left ankle
(6) Press the carriage out a few more inches by straightening the left leg, then resist it back in until knee and ankle align again
(7) Repeat 3-5 times, then straighten the legs, bring the carriage all the way in, and turn left foot back in.
(8) Turn around and Repeat on the other side.

Things to work on:
-- turn out from the hip so that your knee is lined up over your toes!
-- when you lunge, keep the sides of your torso equally long and the shoulders directly over the pelvis.
-- be mindful of how far you bring the carriage in each time.  The heel should NEVER come back any further than your knee.
-- try to lunge deeply so that the bending thigh is parallel to the floor
-- strongly anchor the leg on the reformer down so you can lift your pelvic floor in opposition
-- reach your arms long and strong in opposition
-- keep your hips still in space as you bring the carriage in and out
-- keep the abdominals activated

Do not do this exercise if you have bad knees!